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Najus Universe

Enigineer and Web Developement learner

Hello, I'm Najmul Hasan, a Electrical and Electronic Engineer studied from Eastern University. I am familiar with basic Electrical, Electronic and Programming concepts. My interest is to work as a Web Developer for a software company. In my academic life, I associated myself with several competition and courses. These helped me to understand the value of teamwork and also provided me with the skill to see the best in other people. Playing computer games, tourism is my hobby. And learning new things always excite me.

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Dream Big

Become a web developer

I already learned the basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple website. I can even teach anyone how to make simple website. My goal is to build 3 websites and learn advanced topics

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Full Stack Developer

Coming Soon

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Baby Web Developer

2021-present | Hero Learner

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